What is Church Membership and Why is It Necessary? Pastor's PostMichael BrownMarch 8, 2013church membership, ecclesiology, elders, Heidelberg Catechism, Psalter-Hymnal, URCNA
The Changing Face of Missions in the URCNA Latest news and church eventsMichael BrownJuly 23, 2012church-planting, Missions, URCNAComment
URCNA Missions: Funding Our Own Family First Pastor's PostMichael BrownMay 7, 2012church-planting, Missions, URCNAComment
God is the Missionary Pastor's PostMichael BrownApril 30, 2012church-planting, Missions, URCNAComment
Machen on Missions: What the URCNA can learn from the OPC Pastor's PostMichael BrownApril 22, 2012church-planting, Machen, Missions, OPC, URCNA Comments