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Current AM Series: Faith and Life
Current PM Series: The Life of Elijah

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PM: The Guardians of God’s Reputation

This is the evening sermon for Lord's Day, January 31, 2021.
Genesis 11:1-9
Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 36

This will be explained a bit during the sermon, but Rev. Tedrick thought this mini-outline might be helpful.

Tower of Babel - Remarkable Story (tragedy, comedy, and irony)

Sometimes the 'form' of a passage helps us understand the 'meaning' of a passage. Genesis 11:1-9 uses something called a chiasm.

  • A - all the earth . . . one language

    • B - People settle together

      • C - Said to each other

        • D - Come, Let Us . . .

          • E - a city and a tower (Human Point of View)

            • X - The LORD came down

          • E'- the city and tower (Divine Point of View)

        • D' - Come, Let Us . . .

      • C' - {Do not understand} each other

    • B' - People disperse from there

  • A' - language of the whole earth . . .